Real Church in a Social Network WorldFrom Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith【電子書籍】[ Leonard Sweet ]
![Real Church in a Social Network WorldFrom Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith【電子書籍】[ Leonard Sweet ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/9127/2000001239127.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Real Church in a Social Network WorldFrom Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith【電子書籍】[ Leonard Sweet ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/9127/2000001239127.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Real Church in a Social Network WorldFrom Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith【電子書籍】[ Leonard Sweet ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/9127/2000001239127.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p>**We need more than status updatesーwe need relationships.</p> <p>Learning about God’s Heart from the TGIF (Twitter, Google, iPhone, Facebook) Generation**<br /> ?<br /> The explosion in social networking is perhaps the most visible expression of the human longing to know others and to be known. Is there a parallel in contemporary Christianity?<br /> ?<br /> The church posts a welcome sign outside, but has Christianity lost sight of reaching the current generation with the heart of the gospel? Drawing from years of Leonard Sweet’s paradigm-shifting analyses, <em>Real Church in a Social-Network World</em> delivers ahead-of-the-curve observations and insights into the intersection of the gospel and richer relationships in an ever-changing culture of TGIFers (those who connect using Twitter, Google, the iPhone, and Facebook).<br /> ・?? Find out how to recover the gospel’s unique emphasis on real relationship<br /> ・?? Experience the promise and reward of relationship and reconciliation in everyday life<br /> ・?? Learn how the driving desire for connection, understanding, and belonging give evidence of the deepest longings of the human soul<br /> ?<br /> This provocative eBook offers practical guidance to leaders and followers, believers and seekers, and anyone who is ready to explore the human longing for relationship.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:407円
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フェイスブック 関連ツイート
RT @aritayoshifu: 「拉致問題は解決するのか」。その現実的条件についてフェイスブックに書きました。米朝関係筋によると、金正恩委員長は文在寅大統領から問われたとき、「拉致問題は解決済み。日本とはストックホルム合意に基づいて交渉する」といった趣旨を語ったといいます。…
@R_KitanoR 2018/05/04 10:47
RT @d5vUPcEgwZmUijF: インコが逃げてしまいました‼️
こちら東京都中央区佃です生後7ヶ月ですが少し小さめで名前はピョロちゃんです。とても人に懐いていて肩に乗ります。右足の指が1本だけ怪我の後遺症で曲がりません。顔に近づけるとまつ毛の毛繕いをしてくれます午後か…@KANON500205 2018/05/04 10:33
第三次人工知能ブームの限界を簡潔に表す名言っぽい (笑)。『フェイスブックCEO曰く「ヘイトスピーチよりも乳首の検出が簡単」』 https://t.co/2nErkXVwwp
@ts7i 2018/05/04 10:39